Auto complete list of value selectors enhancements (Ragic Selection Field)
Note (2025/01/16): Our feature updates are now in our Pop-up Announcement! Head over to Learn Ragic > Community > What's New for the latest updates and new features. For more info about this feature (in its newest 2025 face), check this document)
We've made some fundamental changes to our auto complete list of value selectors. The selector option values are no longer stored in the database, but on the database form definition files. From the UI it basically looks the same, but for Ragic application developers, there's quite a few nice changes:
1. You can freely arrange the order of the options in the selection. (This is oh so important as we receive so many requests on adding this feature)
2. When you copy sheet across application or accounts, the list of value options will be carried to the new sheet too.
3. The behaviour of setting options in the design mode will be more consistent, before this change when you add an option to a field, the option will be added before you save the form in design mode. Now the new option will be saved together when you click save for the whole form design.
4. The design mode UI should be easier to use, you can create options quickly by adding the options as line separated items. Create each items without using your mouse!
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