
Overall, how would you rate your experience with your booking agent?
Prior to your trip, how much of the information that you needed, did you get?
Overall, how would you rate your San Jose transfers and stay (if applicable)
Overall, how would you rate your accommodations at Botanika, Osa Peninsula
Overall, how would you rate your tour excursions?
Overall, how would you rate your fishing experience?
How friendly did you find the staff?
What did you enjoy most about your stay at Botanika, Osa Peninsula?
What did you enjoy the least about your stay at Botanika, Osa Peninsula?
How likely are to you recommend a stay at Botanika and activities at Crocodile Bay?
How likely are you to return to Botanika, Osa Peninsula?
How likely are you to use the services for Costa Rica Fishing & Adventures again?
Do you have any suggestions you would like to share with us on ways we could improve the booking process or your stay at Botanika, Osa Peninsula?
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