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40+ Ragic Quick Templates To Make Your Life Easier Icon
By Lillian Huang posted on 2024/07/29
From Travel Itinerary to Meeting Minutes, explore a variety of Ragic Quick Templates that can help you organize your life—without the hassle of building sheets from scratch.
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Ragic Construction Management Template by R&R Automation: Confronting Real-Time Challenges of Construction Business Icon
By Nadya Tan posted on 2024/03/08
By leveraging their industry experience, R&R Automation developed a comprehensive Construction Management Template. Tailored for the construction industry, this solution addresses sales, production, and operational challenges, providing real-time job costing analytics and customizable functionality for different roles.
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Inside Ragic's Support Ticket Management System Icon
By Nadya Tan posted on 2024/02/27
Discover the tool that makes our support team effective in handling your support tickets. Learn how we organize emails, assign tasks, and find solutions quickly.
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Ragic's Sales Order, Purchasing, and Inventory Management made simple: Inventory Management template Icon
By Amy Tsai posted on 2023/06/08
Taking inventory a constant thorn in the side? A lack of accurate inventory records making manual inventory-taking a time-consuming and labor-intensive process? With Ragic’s Inventory Management template, inventory data becomes clear at a glance and incoming and outgoing stock processes can be precisely recorded in the database.
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Animal Shelter Management: Optimize your Intake, Foster Care and Adoption Process with the Ragic Template Icon
By Tania Gomez posted on 2022/10/13
Managing a shelter with a limited budget can be challenging, but having a flexible database system can make your work easier and more efficient. Try the Ragic free template, where you can register all animal information, publish ready-for-adoption lists, and receive adoption and foster care applications, all in one system.
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HVAC Management: Boost your HVAC Business Productivity with the Free Ragic Template Icon
By Tania Gomez posted on 2022/09/06
Track all your HVAC inspections, from regular cleaning to equipment installation and even potential upgrades to guarantee the HVAC system's efficiency! You can now register the whole process in the free Ragic Template.
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Donation and Fundraiser Tracker: Manage your Donations, Fundraisers, and Volunteer Programs. Icon
By Tania Gomez posted on 2022/06/03
If you are looking for a system to track your donations, register your fundraising events and administrate your volunteer programs, the Ragic Donations template can help you manage these tasks.
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Office Library: Keep Track of your Checkouts, Catalog, and Reader’s Profiles. Icon
By Tania Gomez posted on 2022/05/04
If you are planning to start a small community library, create a corporate library to improve employee training, or simply provide content access as a leisure activity at the workplace, you no longer have to rely on spreadsheets to manage your book checkouts, returns, and catalog, the Ragic free template can help you track the whole process.
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Taking things into your own hands: Free Ragic Template for Asset and IT Request Management Icon
By Lillian Huang posted on 2021/08/16
Losing count of PCs? Can't find your software license info? Handling IT issues in person, on the phone, and in the mail, then losing track of all the communication records? Try Ragic's free IT Help Desk template!
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Accounting Lite: Accounting and Financial Reports Made Easy Icon
By Angie Wang posted on 2021/05/27
The Account (Lite) template has the whole package that takes care of every aspect of your business.
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Project Budget and Expense: Helping you Plan your Expenses and Revenues with Precision (Free Template) Icon
By Rex Ho posted on 2021/04/23
Are you spending a lot of time calculating the project ROI? Having a hard time keeping track of every single income and expense item? Even flummoxed by the uncategorized invoices in paper and electronic forms? That is because you don't have a unified platform. Ragic's Project Budget and Expense template can sort it all out for you!
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Boosting Administrative Support: Office Supplies Management Template Icon
By Angie Wang posted on 2021/04/12
Most enterprise users prefer to implement a digitized PSI or CRM system, but for administrative work, businesses still tend to use paper, and that is often the reason why the administrative department suffers from low efficiency. Here's our free office supplies management template to help the administrative department help do digitization.
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HR Hiring Management System: From Resumé Management to Job Offers, Simplified (Free Template) Icon
By Lillian Huang posted on 2021/03/17
The hiring process takes a lot of tedious work. Wouldn't it be great If there were a tool that's as easy as Excel and offers what Excel doesn't, such as data syncing and other functional integration but without the rigidity of traditional systems? That's what Ragic's free Hiring Template can do for you.
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Ragic's free Sales Order, Purchasing, and Inventory Management made simple: Purchasing template Icon
By Amy Tsai posted on 2020/09/01
Are you still using Excel to manage your purchasing and inventory data? Are all the unorganized files slowing you down? If you’re looking for a flexible application that can accommodate your industry and workflow, try Ragic’s Sales Order, Purchasing, and Inventory Management templates.
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Organize Your Complex HR Data Easily using the Simple HR Template in Ragic Icon
By Rex Ho posted on 2020/07/29
Why would you still use many nonfunctional spreadsheet documents to process human resources data when you can do them in a structured system for free with Ragic?
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Ragic's free Sales Order, Purchasing, and Inventory Management made simple: Sales Order Management template Icon
By Amy Tsai posted on 2019/10/22
Are you still using Excel to manage your purchasing and inventory data? Are all the unorganized files slowing you down? If you’re looking for a...
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Rental Listing Management Made Easy with This Free Database Template! Icon
By Aletha Alfarania posted on 2019/05/10
Whether you're a tenant or a landlord, this simple Ragic application can be a big help in searching for your ideal place to stay, a roommate, or a suitable tenants for your rental!
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Ragic CRM Template - A Simple, Effective CRM Solution for Small and Medium Businesses! Icon
By Aletha Alfarania posted on 2019/01/21
Learn how Ragic's built-in CRM template helps you manage and automate the process of finding new leads to establishing contracts! Original article by Amy Tsai. Translated by Aletha Alfarania.
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Introducing RagicDocs: Making your Dropbox work for work. Icon
By Berrin Sun posted on 2014/06/20
We've just made document management on Ragic easier with our new application RagicDocs. The only thing you'll have to do is to link one of your Dropbox folders to your RagicDocs sheet, and you're good to go.
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Excel is the world's most popular data management tool.
But it gets ugly really fast because Excel is not designed for data management.
Ragic makes building powerful online databases as simple as Excel.
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